Couperose & rosacea

Regain your confidence with our modern treatment

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Don’t give rosacea a chance

Don’t give rosacea a chance

Rosacea causes changes to the skin on the cheeks, the nose, forehead and chin. Couperose is a precursor to rosacea. Rosacea is characterised by small red veins which are primarily visible on the cheeks.

Hautarzt Frankfurt,Ästhetik Frankfurt,Faltenunterspritzung Frankfurt,Laser haarentfernung Frankfurt,Kosmetik Frankfurt,haarentfernung mit laser frankfurt

Laser therapy for rosacea

We use a special laser to treat rosacea and couperose which is capable of removing the red skin structures. The affected areas of skin are irradiated with concentrated, high-energy light and thus heat sealed. Laser therapy also promotes the skin’s natural healing processes, stimulating lasting repair to the areas affected.

Hautarzt Frankfurt,Ästhetik Frankfurt,Faltenunterspritzung Frankfurt,Laser haarentfernung Frankfurt,Kosmetik Frankfurt,haarentfernung mit laser frankfurt

Rosacea treatment in Frankfurt

At Skin & Aesthetic, we believe in a holistic and sustainable approach to treatment. We draw up a treatment concept tailored to your body, which takes both medical and cosmetic standpoints into account. We are always happy to advise you!